Kelechi Opurum

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My Projects

GameStock Project Image


🏆 Won 2nd Place at WeCracked Next.js Hackathon

Crafted a Next.js web app that simplifies video game stocks, delivering real-time news, stock prices, and financial insights through integrated APIs.

Next.js TypeScript Python Tailwind CSS
VibeCheck Project Image


Engineered an AI-driven web app that generates flashcards from any content, utilizing Google’s Gemini AI and a full-stack architecture for seamless study and review.

Gemini API JavaScript Next.js React
DailyDose Project Image

Daily Dose

A web app that inspires daily well-being by delivering curated motivational content and personalized journaling insights through AI-driven tone analysis.

Next.js Tailwind CSS OpenAI AWS Dynamo Chart.js Node.js NextAuth.js AWS SES
AI Pantry Tracker Project Image


Developed a real-time web app for effortless pantry item management, recipe discovery, and pantry tracking.

Spoontacular API JavaScript React Firebase
Portfolio Project Image

Portfolio Website (this page)

Built a responsive portfolio website to showcase my skills, projects, featuring engaging content optimized for all devices.

JavaScript HTML CSS